About Angela Wright


Chief Creative & Cultural Officer

Creative Visionary & Advocate for Arts, Business, Politics, and Faith

In the multifaceted world of Arts, Business, Politics, and Faith, Angela emerges as a trailblazer, seamlessly melding creativity with strategic brilliance. Her vibrant journey paints a picture of a woman driven by passion, innovation, and a prophetic vision that seeks to elevate communities and ignite positive change.

Within the sphere of Arts & Entertainment, Angela’s talents are manifold. A mastermind behind creative event creation, she has an innate gift for gathering and organizing pop-up events that captivate and inspire. As a graphic designer, she weaves layered meanings into her creations, while her prowess as a fashion stylist and designer reveals her unique flair for impromptu creativity. Notably, her innovative approach to fashion, particularly up-cycling, showcases her commitment to sustainable and meaningful design.

In the Business domain, Angela's talents in administration and her visionary mindset enable her to strategize and execute plans with precision. Her dream to own and operate an eating establishment within a thriving arts environment testifies to her aspiration to celebrate artists and their craft, creating a hub where artistry and culinary delight converge.

Angela’s foray into Politics speaks of her deep-rooted dedication to national causes. Serving as the local GOP events director, Angela was instrumental in orchestrating events from inception to execution. Her role as an editor, writer, and graphic designer for political newsletters further solidified her reputation as a versatile and influential figure in the political landscape.

Her journey in Faith is both profound and global. Angela's heart resonates deeply with Messianic beliefs, stemming from her time in Israel and her enduring love for the Jewish people. Hosting Shabbat Dinners, she provides spaces for individuals to explore and relish deeper spiritual meanings. Furthermore, her international travel experiences, coupled with impromptu mission trips, showcase her unwavering commitment as a prayer warrior and faith advocate.

Driven by her passion for destiny and her love for the arts, Angela’s ultimate vision is to foster a celebration venue where art, culture, and faith intertwine. In every endeavor, Angela embodies the essence of a community architect, designing and nurturing spaces that celebrate unity, creativity, and purpose.