About Brad Edwards


Chief Innovation & Strategy Officer

Visionary Entrepreneur, Blockchain Pioneer & Multi-Faceted Artist
At the intersection of business, technology, arts, and politics, Brad Edwards stands tall as a beacon of innovation and creativity. As the dynamic CEO and Founder of bPUBLIC, Brad has channeled his entrepreneurial spirit, vast experience in sales, and deep technological insights to drive transformative change in the digital marketing landscape.
Under Brad's adept leadership, bPUBLIC metamorphosed from its roots in the telecom industry, where Telebay—Brad’s preceding venture—rose as a top-tier master agency, boasting an impressive global sales force. Brad's vision for bPUBLIC emerged from the intricate web of local search requirements that Telebay demanded, evolving into a marketing powerhouse dedicated to catering to both local businesses and large-scale corporations.
Brad's foresight in the realm of Business is evident in his early recognition of blockchain's transformative potential. Honored by the Start-Up Chile program in 2014, Brad's pioneering approach to automate crypto payments has reshaped the foundations of autonomous organizations. Further fueling his passion for technology, Brad discerned Identity Graphs as the solution to digital marketing's enduring challenges. With an Identity Graph holding over 300 million profiles, bPUBLIC stands out as a frontrunner in precise targeting, slashing digital ad costs and amplifying efficiency.
In the Arts & Entertainment sector, Brad's talents extend beyond the boardroom. An award-winning artist, Brad's artistic pursuits span the realms of radio, television, and screenplay writing. His diverse experiences, both on-air and behind the scenes, have enriched the media industry with distinctive flair and originality. Furthermore, Brad's writings, encompassing everything from screenplays to business training modules and ebooks, further attest to his multifaceted prowess. This body of work solidifies his standing in the Media sector, where his voice and vision have left an indelible mark.
Brad's keen understanding of Government and politics showcases his forward-thinking approach towards a decentralized world. Drawing from his business prowess and innovative mindset, he envisions a future where value is traded without intermediaries, leading towards a stateless society. In this vision, overarching principles of positivity and genuine authenticity prevail over legalism and imposed authority.
Having assisted a myriad of clients, from fledgling startups to Fortune 500 giants, in realizing millions in revenue, Brad's legacy with bPUBLIC remains unparalleled. With an extensive team of marketing, design, and video professionals, bPUBLIC continues to deliver unmatched results, ensuring businesses scale to unparalleled heights.
Brad Edwards is more than just a business leader. He's a visionary who continually pushes boundaries, a creative force in the arts, and a thought leader shaping conversations in both media and politics.