About Jeannine Kuhnell


CEO & Chief Storyteller

Best-Selling Author, Community Champion & Fearless Overcomer
In a world where narratives often reside in the realms of either stark reality or imaginative fiction, Jeannine masterfully straddles both. Her journey from the world of counterintelligence at the FBI to a best-selling author in the Arts & Entertainment sector captures her unique ability to infuse real-life experiences with elements of the mystical and profound.
"The Overcomers," Jeannine's critically acclaimed novel, encapsulates her intimate familiarity with the challenges faced by those in the world of domestic terrorism, while simultaneously leading readers into a realm of supernatural wonder. Drawing from her experiences in the Government sector, her book not only resonates with adventure and intrigue but also serves as a powerful metaphor for our times. As a seasoned insider threat detector (often referred to as “spy-catcher) who has worked with safe houses, Jeannine aptly reflects on the global state, urging society to break free from their self-imposed confines and truly live again.
Beyond the written word, Jeannine is a force to be reckoned with in the Community & Family arena. As the founder of "Fierce Fearless Females" (F3), her non-profit initiatives echo her profound commitment to empowering women. Providing timely assistance to women in need, F3 stands testament to Jeannine's unwavering dedication to community upliftment and transformation.
In the Business sector, Jeannine showcases her entrepreneurial spirit, catering to construction and building needs, ensuring that her clients' visions turn into tangible realities. Her diverse engagements reveal a woman of many talents, echoing the ethos of a Texas Renaissance Woman.
Jeannine’s prowess as a Media influencer shines through her on air presence and engaging blogs. Reflecting on her Texan heritage, life on the ranch, and her dynamic career, her blogs are a testament to her innate storytelling ability and her commitment to creating and cherishing life's most vivid moments.
From the bustling corridors of the FBI to the tranquil expanse of her ranch, from the pages of a gripping novel to the heart of community activism, Jeannine's journey is a testament to the spirit of an Overcomer. Her story inspires, her actions empower, and her vision paves the way for countless others to rise and shine.
For more information about Jeannine, please visit JeanninesRenaissance.com